Mindfully Turning Towards Chronic Pain

Ilze GroblerUncategorized

One in five Australians are affected by chronic pain, which in turn increases the risk for depression. Our common reaction is to resist pain, yet mindfully turning towards pain offers the opportunity to transform suffering.   Chronic pain affects one in five Australians and is the most common reason people seek medical help. This prevalence rises to one in three … Read More

Happy Easter

Christina ReynoldsDietetics, Dietetics & Diabetes Education, special events, Uncategorized

Some holidays and special occasions can invoke really strong food memories, and many of us have our own family food traditions.  For me, hot cross buns are synonymous with Easter.  I love these not too sweet, spiced buns made with dried fruit and peel. And I know I am not the only one.  These delicious treats have stood the test … Read More

Coeliac Disease – More than just a dietary fad

Christina ReynoldsDietetics, Dietetics & Diabetes Education, special events, Uncategorized

Coeliac disease is a serious medical condition where the body’s immune system does not respond normally to a protein in food called gluten. This damages the lining of the small intestine which affects the absorption of important nutrients and can lead to malabsorption and a variety of gastrointestinal problems. If coeliac disease is not treated, long term complications can include … Read More

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Explained – by Shannon Moule Clinical Psychologist, Zest Infusion  

Christina ReynoldsUncategorized

I like to think of psychotherapy like prescribing medication and like medication, there is a prescription for each condition (e.g., depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, etc.). Much like the prescriptions for physical health conditions, you will find some treatments work better than others, depending on the individual. You will also find that the prescriptions for psychological conditions are based on extensive … Read More

Let’s talk about lunches – by Tania Logan, Dietitian and Diabetes Educator

Christina ReynoldsDietetics, Dietetics & Diabetes Education, Uncategorized

The children are all back at school, everyone else is back to work, and life is starting to resemble some sort of routine again.  I must confess though, one of my least favourite everyday routines, is making lunches.  I struggle with keeping things quick, healthy, and interesting, and I know I am not the only one.  Making lunches is a … Read More

Zucchini slice – by Tania Logan, Dietitian and Diabetes Educator

Christina ReynoldsDietetics, Dietetics & Diabetes Education, Recipes, Uncategorized

5 eggs 1 cup self-raising flour, sifted 2 zucchini, peeled and grated 2 carrots, peeled and grated 6 shallots, washed, trimmed and finely sliced 1 cup grated cheddar cheese ¼ cup olive oil Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease and line a 30 x 20cm lamington pan. Beat the eggs in a large bowl until combined. Add the flour and beat … Read More

Roasted sweet potato and asparagus frittata – – by Tania Logan, Dietitian and Diabetes Educator

Christina ReynoldsDietetics, Dietetics & Diabetes Education, Recipes, Uncategorized

2 sweet potato 1 bunch of asparagus 2 leek 1 tbsp canola oil 6 eggs 1/3 cup milk   Preheat oven to 200°C. Lightly grease an 8 cup capacity ovenproof dish, and line with baking paper. Peel the sweet potato and cut into 2 – 3 cm cubes. Wash and trim the ends from the asparagus. Cut each spear into … Read More


Christina ReynoldsDietetics, Dietetics & Diabetes Education, Recipes, Uncategorized

This super simple dip is quick and easy to prepare with only 3 ingredients. It makes crackers and crudités more interesting, and is delicious served in a wrap with leftover roast lamb, hummus and salad. Tzatziki 1 Lebanese cucumber, finely diced 1 cup Greek yoghurt 1 tbsp finely chopped chives 1. Place the cucumber, yoghurt and chives in a bowl. … Read More

Celebrating Mental Health Week 2016 – A personal story

Ilze GroblerMental Health Week, Uncategorized

If you’re reading this you’ve probably been there – self doubt, lethargy, maybe full blown depression.  I’m writing this to celebrate mental health week, and hopefully explain to people that it can happen to anyone.   Five years ago I was a confident, optimistic person with a young family and dreams. My life took a downward turn with a failed … Read More

Let’s talk about feelings! – DOs – by Arna Witkowski, Clinical Psychologist, Zest Infusion

Christina ReynoldsMental Health Week, Parenting, Uncategorized

This is a guide to show you how to help your children and adolescents deal with their strong emotions. Unlike reading, writing and math, feelings are not something people generally expect to teach their children about. I imagine most of you will be able to work out some of the ways you learned about your own emotions when you were … Read More