From Adrenal Fatigue to HPA Axis Miscommunication – by Carine Pieterse (Naturopath)

Ilze GroblerNaturopathy

Most of us have heard of the term Adrenal Fatigue. New research indicates that, contrary to the name of the condition, it is not really a case of the adrenal system becoming fatigued, but rather a miscommunication between the brain’s HPA axis (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis) and the adrenal system because of continuous stress. This leads to a Phase 1, and later … Read More

Welcoming Naturopath, Carine Pieterse to our Zesty team

Ilze GroblerNaturopathy, Uncategorized

A warm welcome to Carine Pieterse, Naturopath / Clinical Nutritionist who will be joining the Zest Infusion team in June / July. Carine welcomes appointments on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Q. Tell us about yourself I am a passionate Natural Health professional with 17 years of clinical experience. As a qualified Naturopath, I have a special interest in providing holistic, natural care … Read More

Naturopathic Tip 10 : Sleep And Its Link With Depression & Anxiety

Ilze GroblerNaturopathy

There is a close relationship between sleep and mental health. Sleep problems are particularly common in depression and anxiety. This is the final post in a series on some of the physiological (non-psychological) causes of depression and/or anxiety and how naturopathic treatment can help.   The amount and quality of sleep we get has a significant impact on every system of … Read More

Naturopathic Tip 9: Methylation And Its Link With Depression & Anxiety

Ilze GroblerNaturopathy

The methylation cycle plays a vital role in regulating mental and physical health. This is the ninth post in a series on some of the physiological (non-psychological) causes of depression and/or anxiety and how naturopathic treatment can help. What is methylation? Methylation is a process that happens in every cell of the body where one molecule passes a methyl group, which … Read More

Naturopathic Tip 8: Prescription Medication And Its Link With Depression & Anxiety

Ilze GroblerNaturopathy

There are certain prescription and over-the-counter medications that have the potential to induce or exacerbate depression and anxiety conditions. The way they do this is because a number of them cause nutrient deficiencies, upset the balance of certain nutrients, affect neurotransmitter function or cause gut flora imbalances. This is the eighth post in a series on some of the physiological (non-psychological) causes of … Read More

Naturopathic Tip 7: Food Intolerance And Its Link With Depression & Anxiety

Ilze GroblerNaturopathy

Food intolerance may be a hidden root of “mental” illness. This is the seventh post in a series on some of the physiological (non-psychological) causes of depression and/or anxiety and how naturopathic treatment can help. The first thing to note about food intolerances is that they are not the same as food allergies. Food allergies are typically an immediate immune … Read More

Naturopathic Tip 6 : Pyrrole Disorder (Pyroluria) And Its Link With Depression & Anxiety

Ilze GroblerNaturopathy

Are you suffering from emotional meltdowns and mood swings? Read more about Pyrrole Disorder and its link with mental health. This is the sixth post in a series on some of the physiological (non-psychological) causes of depression and/or anxiety and how naturopathic treatment can help. Have you been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, bipolar, AD(H)D? It could be pyrrole disorder. A … Read More

Naturopathic Tip 5: Dietary Fat And Its Link With Depression And Anxiety

Ilze GroblerNaturopathy

Do you reach for comfort food high in fat? The fats we choose to eat play an important role in the food-mood connection. This is the fifth post in a series on some of the physiological (non-psychological) causes of depression and/or anxiety and how naturopathic treatment can help.  The fats we choose to eat have a big impact on the function … Read More

Naturopathic Tip 4: Blood Sugar Imbalance And Its Link With Depression and Anxiety

Ilze GroblerNaturopathy

Did you know that sugar could be harmful to your mental health? This is the fourth post in a series on some of the physiological (non-psychological) causes of depression and/or anxiety and how naturopathic treatment can help. Do you often feel tired with foggy thinking and poor concentration, experience sugar or caffeine cravings, suffer from anxiety, depression, mood swings, irritability and … Read More

Naturopathic Tip 3 : Hormonal Imbalance And Its Link With Anxiety & Depression

Ilze GroblerNaturopathy

Our hormones play a vital role in regulating our physical and mental health. Oestrogen dominance affects both women and men and can contribute to anxiety and depression. This is the third post in a series on some of the physiological (non-psychological) causes of depression and/or anxiety and hoe naturopathic treatment can help. The hormonal imbalance I want to talk about … Read More