Understanding And Calming The Anxious Mind by Carly Alleway, Psychologist

Ilze GroblerMindfulness Meditation, Parenting, Psychology

Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Research indicates that 1 in 4 people will experience anxiety at some point in their lifetime.  What is anxiety? Anxiety and stress often present similarly in our body. STRESS can be described as the pressure we feel from excessive demands and increased obstacles that we need to overcome in order to achieve … Read More

Parenting During COVID-19 by Petronella Grobbelaar (Psychologist)

Ilze GroblerCOVID-19, Parenting

Parenting during this time of social isolation, uncertainty and online schooling is hard. It is natural to look for advice and information. Finding helpful information on parenting during this time on the internet can be challenging and overwhelming. So, we wanted to make it easy for parents and share all our favourite resources with you:  The World Health Organisation has a … Read More

Why Parents’ Self-Care Matters

Christina ReynoldsAcceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness and ACT for Beginners Group, Parenting, Self-Compassion

On this day, when we celebrate all the mothers in the world for their hard work, I wanted to take the opportunity to talk about the importance of self-care. One of the most used metaphors in my work with clients is the ‘aeroplane metaphor’. When I use this metaphor, I talk about the flight attendant briefing the passengers pre take … Read More

Let’s talk about feelings! – DON’Ts – by Arna Witkowski, Clinical Psychologist, Zest Infusion

Christina ReynoldsAcceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mental Health Week, Parenting

It can be very hard to be someone who feels more strongly than others and to behave effectively when experiencing strong emotions. It can also be hard to have a child who feels more strongly than others. In “Let’s talk about feelings! Dos” I discussed things you can try when helping your children understand and manage their strong emotions. “Let’s … Read More

Let’s talk about feelings! – DOs – by Arna Witkowski, Clinical Psychologist, Zest Infusion

Christina ReynoldsMental Health Week, Parenting, Uncategorized

This is a guide to show you how to help your children and adolescents deal with their strong emotions. Unlike reading, writing and math, feelings are not something people generally expect to teach their children about. I imagine most of you will be able to work out some of the ways you learned about your own emotions when you were … Read More