Beyond COVID-19 – Healthy Eating Tips by Tania Logan, Dietitian and Diabetes Educator

Ilze GroblerCOVID-19, Dietetics & Diabetes Education

With the beginning of spring, and life in Queensland beginning to return to something resembling normal after the COVID-19 lockdown, it is a great time to reflect on our eating behaviours.  Many people have developed unhealthy eating behaviours over the past few months.  People have been experiencing increased snacking, emotional eating and an increase in alcohol intake.  Is this relevant to … Read More

Parenting During COVID-19 by Petronella Grobbelaar (Psychologist)

Ilze GroblerCOVID-19, Parenting

Parenting during this time of social isolation, uncertainty and online schooling is hard. It is natural to look for advice and information. Finding helpful information on parenting during this time on the internet can be challenging and overwhelming. So, we wanted to make it easy for parents and share all our favourite resources with you:  The World Health Organisation has a … Read More

Protecting Order, Connection and Dignity: Our Response to a Virus by Dr Johanna Lynch (GP Psychotherapist)

Ilze GroblerCOVID-19

Disorder, Disconnection and Invasion cause feelings of threat for each member of the human family. As stakeholders in my PhD pointed out these experiences destabilise our attempts to protect order, connection, and our sense of dignity. Cyclone Covid, as I am calling it, invades our bodies and our minds, and our ways of being in community. It actively disconnects us from safe human … Read More

Cyclone COVID by Dr Johanna Lynch (GP Psychotherapist)

Ilze GroblerCOVID-19

As our nation prepares for the waves of infections and the wider impact of COVID-19 on lives and livelihoods, I have been struck by a familiar feeling – it is as though we are battering down the hatches before a cyclone. Each cyclone season we have a few careful weather watchers in our home- they can see the wind patterns … Read More

Care and Support During Uncertain Times – COVID-19 by Shannon Moule (Clinical Psychologist)

Ilze GroblerCOVID-19, Psychology

Dear Zesty Community, I felt called to connect with our ZESTY community to acknowledge and assist during these uncertain times.  We (Australians) have been through a lot so far this year: fires, floods and now COVID-19. It wouldn’t be surprising if you and other people around you are experiencing heightened levels of negative emotions right now. And it’s not surprising … Read More