EMDR Treatment by Dr John Pocock, Psychotherapist & EMDR Practitioner

Ilze GroblerUncategorized

I have personally witnessed the great benefit of Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) with my own family.  This motivated me to investigate the merits of EMDR and how to integrate it into my psychotherapy.  Many of us subconsciously hold onto beliefs based on unhappy or traumatic experiences that have happened in our past. This could have been from being bullied, … Read More

The Power of Choosing a Male Therapist: Breaking Stereotypes and Finding Healing by David Norman, Clinical Psychologist

Ilze GroblerPsychology, Uncategorized

Embarking on the journey of seeing a psychotherapist can feel overwhelming. It involves sharing deeply personal experiences and finding someone who can create a safe space for exploration. We often consider factors like age, cultural background, and the ability to feel understood and supported. But have you ever thought about the role that gender plays in this decision? Client Gender … Read More

Ditch the diets this year by Tania Logan, Dietitian and Diabetes Educator

Christina ReynoldsDietetics, Uncategorized

Another year has arrived and brought with it a mass of misinformation about dieting and weight loss. The internet and social media are saturated with messages about detoxing after the festive season and creating a new plan for a new you!!  Magazines and television advertisements are also saturated with these messages.  They are everywhere.  Unfortunately they fail to mention that in most cases, for … Read More

Witnessing Tragedy Unfold by Shannon Moule, Clinical Psychologist

Christina ReynoldsUncategorized

It has been a tragic summer so far here in Australia. Not a day goes by where we don’t hear or see something about the loss occurring in the context of the bushfires. I find myself reading friend’s posts on social media expressing feelings of uselessness, hopelessness, guilt in relation to these events and their struggle to find ways to … Read More

Dietary Analysis – Intermittent Fasting, by Tania Logan, Dietitan and Diabetes Educator

Christina ReynoldsUncategorized

This instalment of my analysis of popular dieting trends investigates Intermittent Fasting. In this article I’ll discuss what the diet is about, analyse the scientific evidence available and give you my verdict on whether it is worthwhile or not. The diet Intermittent fasting is essentially a method of reducing energy intake.  These deliberate periods of energy imbalance encourage the body to … Read More

Working with the Feeling of Shame, by Shannon Moule, Clinical Psychologist

Christina ReynoldsUncategorized

What is shame? According to Brene Brown, a world leading researcher of Shame…..Shame is the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging. “I am bad.” “I am a mess.” The focus is on self, not behaviour, with the result that we feel alone.  How we relate to shame Shame, … Read More

Grief, by Shannon Moule, Clinical Psychologist

Christina ReynoldsUncategorized

Grief will touch us all at some point in our life. For me, it was when I assisted the death of my 18 year old dog, Cassie. I have never experienced something so earth shattering. My life wasn’t the same for sometime.  We often hear of grief as an experience felt after the death of a loved one, but in … Read More

Maple roasted vegetables, by Tania Logan, Dietitian and Diabetes Educator

Christina ReynoldsUncategorized

4 beetroot, peeled and cut into wedges 3 carrots, peeled and quartered lengthways 3 parsnips, peeled and quartered lengthways 1 kg butternut pumpkin, peeled, deseeded, and chopped 400 g chickpeas, drained and rinsed 2 tbsp canola oil 2 tbsp maple syrup 200 g hummus  Preheat oven to 200C.  Place the beetroot wedges in a large baking tray. Drizzle with 1 … Read More