EMDR Treatment by Dr John Pocock, Psychotherapist & EMDR Practitioner

Ilze GroblerUncategorized

I have personally witnessed the great benefit of Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) with my own family.  This motivated me to investigate the merits of EMDR and how to integrate it into my psychotherapy.  Many of us subconsciously hold onto beliefs based on unhappy or traumatic experiences that have happened in our past. This could have been from being bullied, … Read More

The Power of Choosing a Male Therapist: Breaking Stereotypes and Finding Healing by David Norman, Clinical Psychologist

Ilze GroblerPsychology, Uncategorized

Embarking on the journey of seeing a psychotherapist can feel overwhelming. It involves sharing deeply personal experiences and finding someone who can create a safe space for exploration. We often consider factors like age, cultural background, and the ability to feel understood and supported. But have you ever thought about the role that gender plays in this decision? Client Gender … Read More

Reiki – Enhancing Holistic Wellbeing by Rachel Wilkinson, Holistic Psychotherapist & Reiki Master

Ilze GroblerReiki

Discover the power of Reiki Reiki, pronounced Ray Kee, is a unique therapeutic practice that originated in Japan. This technique focuses on restoring balance to the body’s energy centres, promoting overall wellbeing. With a history dating back to the 1920s and its introduction to the West in the 1970s by a Hawaiian Japanese woman, Reiki has been passed down from … Read More

Seeing The Whole Picture by Petronella Grobbelaar, Psychologist

Ilze GroblerPsychology

Take on the challenge of approaching the New Year with a fresh perspective. Change the way you see the world and strive to embrace the bigger picture. 2024, A new year Happy 2024 Zesty community!  It is the end of the festive season and “back to school, back to reality” for most of us. Our last blog post for 2023 … Read More

Remembering Elani de la Rey by Dr Ilze Grobler, Director

Ilze Groblergeneral

There are moments in life where words are not enough to express how one feels and we are sad that this is one of those times… It is with a heavy heart that we are announcing the passing of Elani de la Rey, beloved member of our Zest Infusion team and highly regarded Clinical Psychologist.  Elani has been a part … Read More

Understanding And Calming The Anxious Mind by Carly Alleway, Psychologist

Ilze GroblerMindfulness Meditation, Parenting, Psychology

Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Research indicates that 1 in 4 people will experience anxiety at some point in their lifetime.  What is anxiety? Anxiety and stress often present similarly in our body. STRESS can be described as the pressure we feel from excessive demands and increased obstacles that we need to overcome in order to achieve … Read More

Christmas Wellbeing Tips by Dr. Ilze Grobler (Clinical Psychologist and Director)

Ilze Groblergeneral

The magic of Christmas may sometimes be met with apprehension and challenges, particularly for those living with mental health challenges or for those who are supporting a loved one with mental health challenges. Amid all the flurry of Christmas, taking some time out to remember a few simple ways to protect your wellbeing could make all the difference. So here … Read More

10 Healthier alternatives to alcohol and soft drink by Tania Logan, Dietitian and Diabetes Educator

Ilze GroblerDietetics

We need to keep well hydrated to keep our body working well. It is important to choose water instead of drinks with added sugars, such as soft drinks and cordials, fruit drinks, vitamin waters, energy and sports drinks or alcohol. These drinks contain lots of sugar and extra energy that can impact on health, weight and blood glucose control.   Sometimes we … Read More