EMDR Treatment by Dr John Pocock, Psychotherapist & EMDR Practitioner

Ilze GroblerUncategorized

I have personally witnessed the great benefit of Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) with my own family.  This motivated me to investigate the merits of EMDR and how to integrate it into my psychotherapy.  Many of us subconsciously hold onto beliefs based on unhappy or traumatic experiences that have happened in our past. This could have been from being bullied, … Read More

Understanding And Calming The Anxious Mind by Carly Alleway, Psychologist

Ilze GroblerMindfulness Meditation, Parenting, Psychology

Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Research indicates that 1 in 4 people will experience anxiety at some point in their lifetime.  What is anxiety? Anxiety and stress often present similarly in our body. STRESS can be described as the pressure we feel from excessive demands and increased obstacles that we need to overcome in order to achieve … Read More

Care and Support During Uncertain Times – COVID-19 by Shannon Moule (Clinical Psychologist)

Ilze GroblerCOVID-19, Psychology

Dear Zesty Community, I felt called to connect with our ZESTY community to acknowledge and assist during these uncertain times.  We (Australians) have been through a lot so far this year: fires, floods and now COVID-19. It wouldn’t be surprising if you and other people around you are experiencing heightened levels of negative emotions right now. And it’s not surprising … Read More

Hypnotherapy – working with the subconscious

Christina Reynoldsgeneral, Psychology

Most people – when asked to think about hypnosis – will probably find that it brings to mind the classic image of a stage hypnotist putting people ‘to sleep’, and then making them do something outrageous. I think you will find yourself nodding in agreement at this. So, the question then is – what does hypnosis have to do with … Read More

Mental Health Workout

Christina ReynoldsMental Health Week, positive psychology, Uncategorized

There are lots of ways in which we can look after our mental health. In some ways good mental health is like a jigsaw – if we put the pieces together correctly we end up with a nice picture. Over the course of Mental Health Week the Zest Infusion team will look into some important pieces of this jigsaw that … Read More

Naturopathic Tip 10 : Sleep And Its Link With Depression & Anxiety

Ilze GroblerNaturopathy

There is a close relationship between sleep and mental health. Sleep problems are particularly common in depression and anxiety. This is the final post in a series on some of the physiological (non-psychological) causes of depression and/or anxiety and how naturopathic treatment can help.   The amount and quality of sleep we get has a significant impact on every system of … Read More

Naturopathic Tip 9: Methylation And Its Link With Depression & Anxiety

Ilze GroblerNaturopathy

The methylation cycle plays a vital role in regulating mental and physical health. This is the ninth post in a series on some of the physiological (non-psychological) causes of depression and/or anxiety and how naturopathic treatment can help. What is methylation? Methylation is a process that happens in every cell of the body where one molecule passes a methyl group, which … Read More

Naturopathic Tip 8: Prescription Medication And Its Link With Depression & Anxiety

Ilze GroblerNaturopathy

There are certain prescription and over-the-counter medications that have the potential to induce or exacerbate depression and anxiety conditions. The way they do this is because a number of them cause nutrient deficiencies, upset the balance of certain nutrients, affect neurotransmitter function or cause gut flora imbalances. This is the eighth post in a series on some of the physiological (non-psychological) causes of … Read More

Naturopathic Tip 7: Food Intolerance And Its Link With Depression & Anxiety

Ilze GroblerNaturopathy

Food intolerance may be a hidden root of “mental” illness. This is the seventh post in a series on some of the physiological (non-psychological) causes of depression and/or anxiety and how naturopathic treatment can help. The first thing to note about food intolerances is that they are not the same as food allergies. Food allergies are typically an immediate immune … Read More

Naturopathic Tip 6 : Pyrrole Disorder (Pyroluria) And Its Link With Depression & Anxiety

Ilze GroblerNaturopathy

Are you suffering from emotional meltdowns and mood swings? Read more about Pyrrole Disorder and its link with mental health. This is the sixth post in a series on some of the physiological (non-psychological) causes of depression and/or anxiety and how naturopathic treatment can help. Have you been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, bipolar, AD(H)D? It could be pyrrole disorder. A … Read More